As of 2009, about 20 years old.
Any month in the year 1995 prior to tomorrow's date (December 13), or any time in December 1994 from the 13th to the 31st.
You will celebrate your 31st birthday this year (2017).
If you were born in December 1971, you would be 49 years old in December 2020.
As of 2009, about 20 years old.
For most of 2014 you would be 24, but on the 31st of December you will be 25.
Chasey Lain is 39 years old (birthdate: December 7, 1971).
she died march 31st in 1995. she was born in april 16st 1971. she was 23 years old.
Sir Alex Ferguson was born on the 31st of December, 1941. This makes him currently 67 years old.
You'd be 16 if you were born from January 1st - July 6th, 15 if you were born from July 7th - December 31st.
Sinan Akkus is 39 years old. He was born on December 17, 1971.
she is 17 on the 31st december xx
Sinan Akkus is 39 years old. He was born on December 17, 1971.