You would be the following age on your birthday in November:
2012 - 15
2013 - 16
2014 - 17
2015 - 18
For any year, add 3 to the last two digits and that will be your age on your birthday in that year.
If you born November 28, 1997 you would have turned 12 in 2009.
11 today (5 November) but 12 in just a few days' time.
12years old
If you were born in 1997, then on the anniversary of your birth (your birthday) in 2028you'll turn 31 years old.
You were 37 year old on November 9th, 2011.
10 he was born November 1 1997
A Lot.
13. Born on November 19, 1997
He was born November 19, 1997. He is 14 years old.
Dylan Dauzat is 20 years old (born November 2, 1997).
13 years old. He was born on November 8th, 1997
13 turning 14
If you born November 28, 1997 you would have turned 12 in 2009.
Nick Mara, formerly of Iconic Boyz, was born Nicholas Mara on November 8, 1997.
12, he was born November 18, 1997
I was born On november 5 1997
US actress Kalia Prescott is 20 years old (born November 5, 1997).