its may right now... when i am answering this question...
s0 its 2013
u want 1944...
s0 2013-13=200
2000-1944= 56
56+13=69 years old...
If you were born in 1944, you would be 66.
You would be 65.
65, almost 66 years old
If a person was born on any date in 1944, then on the same date in 2009 the person would turn 65.
George Lucas was born on May 14, 1944
If you were born in 1944, you would be 66.
Wong May was born in 1944.
Barry May was born in 1944.
Simon May was born in 1944.
As of October 12, 2010, George Lucas is 66 years old. He was born on May 14, 1944.
65 or 66
pete was born may 19th, 1945. roger was born march 1st, 1944. so they are old.
Phil May was born on November 9, 1944.
Karen May was born on 1944-08-02.
You would be 69 years old ;)