You will turn 62 in 2013.
If you were born on August 20 2000 you would be 3491 days old on March 12, 2010.
Since it's 2011 you would be 14
As of 2012 March, you would be 20. In November (On your birthday) you would be 21.
Jawan Harris is 20 years old (born March 19, 1997).
Ciara Bravo was born on March 18, 1997
Jamal Crawford was born on March 20, 1980
Martina Stoessel is 20 years old (birthdate March 21, 1997).
Aidan Davis is 20 years old (birthdate: March 23, 1997).
You would be 11 or 12 yeah
Mattia Destro is 20 years old (birthdate: March 20, 1991).
Gerry Bertier was born on August 20, 1953.
Lois Lowry was born on March 20, 1937
Alexander Petri was born on March 20, 1997, in Alttting, Germany.
He was born on the year 1959. He's 53 years old.