Today, you would be 66 years old (April 21, 2012).
If the current date is 14th October 2012 Then 2012-1945= 69 (You had your 69 birthday yesterday).
This person would be 68 years old. Subtract 1945 from 2013.
As of August 2010, a person born on this date would be 10 years old.
Len "Chip" Hawkes was born November 2, 1945.
he will be 22 on 14th November
Today, you would be 66 years old (April 21, 2012).
If the current date is 14th October 2012 Then 2012-1945= 69 (You had your 69 birthday yesterday).
Former NFL guard Larry Little is 72 years old. (born November 2, 1945)
John David "J.D." Souther is 72 years old. He was born on November 2, 1945.
US actor Charles "Charlie" Robinson is 72 years old (born November 9, 1945).
Goldie Hawn was born on November 21, 1945.
Anna-Frid "Frida" Lyngstad (of ABBA) is 72 years old (born November 15, 1945).
You would be 13 at the time of answering. You would have your 14th birthday later this year.
You turn 17 on 14th September 2012.
Nope he is 23... he will be 24 this November 14th.