You would be 17 days short of your eighth birthday - today being October 26th, 2010
If you were born on April 21, 1999, you would currently be 11 years old (as of October 2010) and going on 12 in 6 months. (I would know this because my birthday is on April 4, 1999 :D!)
You would be 12 years old, but it depends what month you were born.
January 12, 1969 fell on a Sunday.
Martie Maguire was born on October 12, 1969.
Judit Mascó was born on October 12, 1969.
Željko Milinovič was born on October 12, 1969.
Dwayne Roloson was born on October 12, 1969.
José Valentín was born on October 12, 1969.
Martie Maguire was born on October 12, 1969.
Dominique Weesie was born on October 12, 1969.
Sonja Henie died on October 12, 1969 at the age of 57.
Jose Valentin was born October 12, 1969.
Dwayne Roloson was born on October 12, 1969.
Željko Milinovič was born on October 12, 1969.
José Valentín was born on October 12, 1969.