Current Age = Current Year - Year of Birth, if you have had your birthday this year and one year less than that if you have not.
If you were born on August 20 2000 you would be 3491 days old on March 12, 2010.
5 Months Old (As of January 12, 2011)
On 12/29/09 you would be 26. Unless you are a dog. Then you would be 182.
As today is the 5th of August 2010 and you were born in 1997 you would have turned 12 last year, turning 13 this year.
Manoa Vosawai was born on August 12, 1983.
Chad Anderson was born on August 12, 1983.
She was born on August 1, 1970.
Klaas-Jan Huntelaar was born on August 12, 1983.
Kana Asumi was born on August 12, 1983, in Kitakyushu, Japan.
Erkan Pekbay was born on August 12, 1983, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Manoa Vosawai was born on August 12, 1983.
Chad Anderson was born on August 12, 1983.
Manoa Vosawai is 28 years old (birthdate: August 12, 1983).
Chad Anderson is 27 years old (birthdate: August 12, 1983).
Veerendra Senar was born on August 12, 1983, in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Artur Gotz was born on August 12, 1983, in Krakw, Malopolskie, Poland.