If you were born in 2001, you will turn 9 in 2010.
In 2012 you would be 11 2012-2001= 11 ( 2012 Minus 2011 equals 11)
You would be 9 years old.
If you were born in 2001, you will turn 9 in 2010.
Add how old you will be (12) to the year you were born (2001) to get the year you will be that old (2013).
If you were born in 2001, you would be nine or 10 years old. my sis was born oct.11 01 and she is nine and soon 10 .
You are 20 years old in 2021
If someone was born in 2001 and it is currently 2022, they would be 21 years old.
he was born in 2001
13 in 2014
15 or 16
born in 2001
You are 9 years old if you are born on the 5th of december2001
2050 - 2001 is 49 years, so you would be 49 years old.