If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
If you were born before today in 1992 you would be 20, if you were born after today you would be 19.
If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
37 years, as of April 2012.
The question was asked on 2 September 2017, so "Today" is 2017/09/02 You are 2017-1989 = 28 today - happy birthday.
Nick Jonas was born on September 16, 1992
If you were born in 1992 and the current year is 2021, then you would be 29 years old.
Connor Franta is 24 years old (born September 12, 1992).
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
How old would you be today if you were born on september 7 1945
She was born on September 21, 1992. She is sixteen years old.
You will turn 22 in 2014.
You would be 19 years old on this coming Sunday, September 11, 2011.
1 years old and he was born in 1992 where he met Selena Gomez who gave him a wedgie
18 apparently, born 18 September 1992
MacKenzie Bourg is 24 years old (born September 11, 1992).