Clint Walker was born on May 30, 1927.
As of June 18th, 2011 a person born September 12th, 1927 would be 83.
Someone born in May 1946 would turn 67 years old in May 2013.
If you were born on May 25 1971, you will be 39 years old on May 25, 2010.
As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
Mort Sahl is 90 years old (birthdate: May 11, 1927).
He is 81 years old. His was born on April 16, 1927.He is 81 years old. His was born on April 16, 1927.He is 81 years old. His was born on April 16, 1927.He is 81 years old. His was born on April 16, 1927.He is 81 years old. His was born on April 16, 1927.He is 81 years old. His was born on April 16, 1927.
Clint Walker was born on May 30, 1927.
82 you would be 82 this yearyou will be 83 years old if you were born in 1927
US actress Patricia "Pat" Carroll is 90 years old (born May 5, 1927).
Former NFL coach Harry "Bud" Grant is 90 years old (birthdate: May 20, 1927).
If someone was born in December 1927, they would turn 84 years old in December 2011.
Péter Zwack was 85 years old when he died on August 5, 2012 (born May 21, 1927).
US actor Michael Constantine is 90 years old (born Gus Efstratiou, May 22, 1927).
February 18, 1927
She was born 1927
1927 (2015 - 88 = 1927)