Richard B. Weldon Jr. is 52 years old (birthdate: September 26, 1958).
A is 35 years old, B is 15 years old.
B. J. Armstrong is 43 years old (birthdate: September 9, 1967).
Lets say something called A is 8 years old. Well, if B was "twice as old" B would be 16 years old
John is 36, Jane is 27 When he was 27, she was 18. The algebraic solution to the equation: Let A = John and B = Jane, and time t = A - B (difference in ages) If t years ago, John was twice as old A = 2 (B - t) and substitute A - B for t A = 2B - 2A + 2B 3A = 4B A = 4/3 B and since A + B = 63 4/3 B + B = 63 7/3 B = 63 B = 21 and A = 28
Write and solve two simultaneous equations. a = Mary's age b = Mike's age Age now: b = 3a Age in 4 years: b + 4 = 2(a + 4)
Richard B. Weldon Jr. was born on September 26, 1958.
Richard B. Weldon Jr. was born on September 26, 1958.
Richard B. McQuade Jr. was born in 1940.
Weldon B. Gibson was born in 1917.
D. B. Weldon Library was created in 1972.
Weldon B. Heyburn died on 1912-10-17.
Weldon B. Heyburn was born on 1852-05-23.
Weldon B. Gibson died on 2001-05-09.
Richard B. Bernstein is 55 years old (birthdate: May 24, 1956).
Paul B. MacCready Jr. was born on September 25, 1925 and died on August 28, 2007. Paul B. MacCready Jr. would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 89 years old today.
William B. Ziff Jr. was born on June 24, 1930 and died on September 9, 2006. William B. Ziff Jr. would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 85 years old today.
William B. Ziff Jr. died on September 9, 2006 at the age of 76.