If they are born in Jan- Jun 1994, they would be 16 by Jan - Jun 2004 and if they are born in July- Dec 1994, they would be 16 by July - Dec 2004.
17 years old.
They would be 15 years old.
That would make that person 18 years old - depending on the date of birth of course.
17 years old.
They would be 15 years old.
A person turning 19 in 2013 was born in 1994.
That would make that person 18 years old - depending on the date of birth of course.
That depends on the day of January you were born, and the time in 2004. Someone could have been born on 31 January; this person would not even be one year old until the very end of January in 2004.
As of right now, 16. After May 27, he would be 17 years old.
It ran from 1994 - 2004
you would be 15 because 6 + 9 = 15
16If you are born in 1994 you would be 16 i believe16
He was born in 1994.it was the year he was born in