-- On December 28th, 1993, the person's age is zero.
-- On December 28th, 2012, the person turns 19.
16 years old.
Only if they were born in the same year.
If you are born December 28, 1981 then you are 28 years old currently turning 29 in 2010.
if your birthday is on or before December 19, you are born on 1994. if you are born later that date not exceeding December 31, you are born on 1993.
She was born on 28th December 1993...
bob brown
Paul Warfield was born on December 28th
16 years old.
28th December 1972
December 28th 1998
28th july 1993
Denzel Washington was born on December 28, 1954
David Archuleta was born on December 28th, 1990.
Dr. Samuel Rawlins was born in 1942 on December 28th.
Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28th, 1856.
They would be 17 years old at the moment, turning 18 in December this year (2011).