Someone born on September 1, 1972 would have been 28 on September 1, 2000 and would have been 38 on September 1, 2010. You need only subtract the year values.
To find the person's age on September 1 in any year after 2000, add 28 to the last two digits of that year, e.g. on September 1, 2013, the person is 13 + 28 = 41.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
As of August 2010, a person born on this date would be 10 years old.
59 , turning 60 this year.
You would be thirty eight if you were born in January of 1972.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
As of September 2012, you are currently 40 years old if you were born in 1972.
Jason Statham was Born on September 12th 1972 making him 39 years old
The characters birthday is 12th September 1972. The actors birthday is 25th June 1971.
Letizia is 38 years old (birthdate: September 15, 1972).
he was born on 12th September 1972, which means hes 36
Dita Von Teese is 45 years old (born Heather Renée Sweet, September 28, 1972).
As of September 2011, someone born on December 1, 1979 would be 31 years old.
Gwyneth Paltrow was born on September 27, 1972
Dita von Teese was born September 28, 1972 (age 39)