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you will be 11 going on 12

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Q: How old may you be if you were born on 1999?
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How old are you if you were born in may 1st 1999?

you would be 11 years old

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How old is rory gates in 2013?

14, he was born on the 23rd May 1999

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hailey pierce is 11 years old born on may 29 1999

How old is luke ross in real life?

He is 18 years old. He was born May 28, 1999.

If you were born in 1999 how old are you?

If you were born in 1999 then you will be 12 in the year 2011

If you are 29 years old what year were you born?

If you are 29 years old you are born in 1983.

How old would i be if i was born in 1999?

2016 − 1999 = 17 years old.

If you were born in 1999 how old will you be in 2061?

2061 - 1999 = 62

Born In May 1940 and die April 3rd of 1999?

This person would have died at 58 years old.

When was Cameron Boyce - actor - born?

Cameron Boyce was born on May 28, 1999

How old are Johnny's kids?

Depp's daughter Lily Rose was born May 27, 1999 and son Jack was born April 9, 2002.