You would be 17 days short of your eighth birthday - today being October 26th, 2010
If you were born October 17, 1989 you would have turned 22 in 2009.
As of today's date, December 17, 2009, you would be 14 years old.
You'd be 17 Years Old
You will turn 17 in 2013.
He will be 38 on October 17, 2010
He was born October 17, 1972. So this October he will be 40.
Eminem is 37 at the moment, his birthdate is October 17, 1972.
Eminem will be 39 on October 17. He was born in 1972.
Eminem is 42 years old, and born on October 17th, 1972.
eminem is 38 years old (birthdate: October 17, 1972).
Eminem was born on October 17th 1972. So Eminem is 36 turning 37 in 2009.
Eminem was born on October 17, 1972
Eminem was born on October 17, 1972, which makes him 38 years old now.
Eminem is 38 turning 39 on October 17
He was Born July 6, 1975 (1975-07-06) (age 35)
Eminem was born on October 17, 1972.