As of today's date, December 14, 2010, and including the start and end date in the calculation, someone born on April 11, 1960 would be 18509 days old.
2010-1997=13 years. There are 365 days in a year. After that it depends on when you were born in 1997 and to what day you are counting to in 2010.
MoRe than 500000
Subtracting May 12, 1985 from August 2, 2010 gives 9213 days.
The population of Mexico City is estimated to have grown by around 7 million people between 1985 and 2010.
You would be 68 on your birthday in 2010. (2010-1942 = 68)
the answer to that is 45.
Of the 23 players in the United States soccer team at the 2010 World Cup, all but two were born in the United States. The two who were not born in the United States are:Stuart Holden (born August 1, 1985 in Aberdeen; currently playing for Bolton Wanderers F.C.)Benny Feilhaber (born January 19, 1985 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; currently playing for AGF Aarhus)
Mens cant be born only babies are born
1598 years.
As of today's date, December 14, 2010, and including the start and end date in the calculation, someone born on April 11, 1960 would be 18509 days old.
2010-1997=13 years. There are 365 days in a year. After that it depends on when you were born in 1997 and to what day you are counting to in 2010.
On March 1, 2010, the person was 4,121 days old. Add one more for each day after March 1.