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Q: How old would Aaliyah have been in 2012?
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How old is Aaliyah Hudson in 2012?

aaliyah is 32

How old would you been in 1993 in 2012 how old would you be?

you would have been 19 !! x x

How old is Aaliyah?

Aaliyah was born on January 16, 1979 and died on August 25, 2001. Aaliyah would have been 22 years old at the time of death or 36 years old today.

How old is Aaliyah Mae Miller?

Aaliyah died at the age of 22. rip Aaliyah

How old will Aaliyah be if she was still living?

She would have been 32 yrs old Yes it's been 10 yrs since the R&B angel died RIP baby girl

How old is Aaliyah brother is today?

aaliyah brother is 42yrs

Will there be an Aaliyah movie?

They been saying this for years only time will tell,but I think they should just take old Aaliyah videos and interviews and put it together this way it will be Aaliyah 100% know one can play her she was too good.

How old is Mother Teresa now 2012?

If she was still alive in 2012 she would have been 102 years old.

How old would you be if you were born in 1916 and died in 2012?

you would have been 96 years old have a nice day :)

How old would dr martin Luther king be in 2012?

he would have been 83

How old would anne frank be today in 2012?

Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929. In 2012, she would have been 83 years old.

What actors and actresses appeared in ... Would Have Been My Last Complaint - 2012?

The cast of ... Would Have Been My Last Complaint - 2012 includes: Sri Ganapati Vedeshwar as The Old Man