2510 as of 2015
100 years
He was 75 when he died.
You would celebrate your 51st birthday in 2012 !
In 2012, you would be 367 years old.
2510 as of 2015
Pythagoras is right know 2,589 years old
Pythagoras married at the age of sixty-one years.
Pythagoras was believed to die at 99 years old because of all the dates leading up to his death
100 years
He would have turned 382 in 2012.
2012-1990 = 22 years old.
Pythagoras was born in 570 BC and died in 495 BC. He aged to be 75 years old.
Although t is known as Pythagoras' theorem and thus about 2500-2600 years old, considering Pythagoras lived between 5th and 6th century BC, it was known before this. There is evidence that the Babylonians of 20th to 16th century BC (some 1000 years before Pythagoras) knew it, making it about 3600-4000 years old.
Pythagoras is long dead.
He was 75 when he died.