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76 and if you were six you would be 15

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Q: How old would a seventeen year old person be on Saturn?
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Is a seventeen year old person considered an adult in the US?


Can a seventeen year old gain full custody of a child?

No, probably not until that person's 18.

Is it seventeen-year-old or seventeen year old?

17-year-old is the correct way.

Can a seventeen year old boy date an eleven year old girl?

No a seventeen year old can not date a eleven year old. The reason why is because their is a very big age difference and that would be aganst that law

How old would a 12 year old be on Saturn?

A 12 year old on Earth would be about 20 years old on Saturn. This is because Saturn's orbit around the sun is much longer than Earth's, approximately 29.5 Earth years.

If a person has sole custody by the courts but a seventeen year old daughter ran away to live with her mother after getting pregnant If taken to court would child support have to be paid to the mother?

this person is thurgood marshall

What would you consider a good net worth for a seventeen-year-old?

girl or guy?

How old would a 20 year old person be on Saturn?

dont see how this applies to teen dating but uh... Wouldnt this person be 20 years old? kind of a redundant question.

Can a seventeen year old person bail some one out of jail?

Majority age in your state. Usually 18.

How old would a nine year old be on Saturn?

I think it depends on their gender

Would a 20 year old get in trouble for getting a seventeen year old pregnant?

If she was below the age of consent, yes.

Can a seventeen year old get merried at the age of seventeen?

Yes with parental consent.