The 11 year old would be the same age, 11, because it doesn't matter the age it just matters the weight you are on another planet. hope this helped. :)
2006 or 2005
Ignoring relativistic time changes due to differences in planetary velocity and gravity, A sixteen year old would still be sixteen (just because you transport them to mercury doesn't mean they all of a sudden age or get more youthful). However sixteen earth years would be equal to 66.4 mercury years. Sixteen mercury years would be equal to 3 years 10 months and 6 days.
im eleven and 5'2 too! im 97 pounds... is this normal?
80 pounds, for sure..
An eleven year old is too young to date.
Simply asking would be ideal
probably not cause they are really big birdds and if they got out of their cage the might hurt the eleven year old if the eleven year old opened the cage so no a budgie is not a really good pet fo r a eleven yaer old i would probably recomind a rabbit or a hamster something small for a eleven year old cause it would be a smaller pet for the elevn year old
I don't know, but he is eleven so another eleven year old would probably be the obvious choice, or even a ten year old probably
No a seventeen year old can not date a eleven year old. The reason why is because their is a very big age difference and that would be aganst that law
In his seventies.
It depends on the size of the 11-year old!
A year for Mercury is 88 days. Earth's year is 365 days. The nine year old would have lived 3285 days on Earth. On Mercury, that would translate to 37.329 years for a nine year old earthling.
Unsurprisingly, the average age of an eleven year old is eleven years old.
Depends on the 11-year old. It does not deend on the eleven year old. it would be to dangerous for them