If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
If you were born in 1974, you would have turned 35 in 2009.
You were 37 year old on November 9th, 2011.
To determine your age in 2011 if you were born in 1988, you would subtract 1988 from 2011. This calculation results in 23 years. Therefore, you would be 23 years old in 2011 if you were born in 1988.
In 2011, a person born in 1964 is 46 years old until his birthday, and on his birthday he turns 47.
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
If you were born in 1974, you would have turned 35 in 2009.
You were 37 year old on November 9th, 2011.
about 26
If you were born in 1961 as of 2011 you would be 50.
Depends on the date of there birth. On the day I answer the question which is April 23 2009 anyone born between Jan 1 1974 and April 22 1974 would be 35, if they were born on April 23 1974 today is there 35th Birthday and for those born after April 23 1974 they would be 34 until there coming birthday.
you would be born in 2011 -0054 _____ 1957 you were born
Cibele Dorsa died on 2011-03-26.
To determine your age in 2011 if you were born in 1988, you would subtract 1988 from 2011. This calculation results in 23 years. Therefore, you would be 23 years old in 2011 if you were born in 1988.