As of today - January 7, 2010 - you would be 21 years and 198 days old if you were born October 14, 1988.
Depends on what date the question is answered!
To determine your age in 2011 if you were born in 1988, you would subtract 1988 from 2011. This calculation results in 23 years. Therefore, you would be 23 years old in 2011 if you were born in 1988.
If you were born January 14, 1998 you would be 12 years old.
if you were born in march 1975 how old would you be today January 2009
You would turn 25 in 2013.
As of today - January 7, 2010 - you would be 21 years and 198 days old if you were born October 14, 1988.
If I was born in 1988, I would have no idea how old YOU were!
er... 23?
If you were born in 1988, currently you would be 33 years old.
Depending on their exact birth date their age would be: Between January and Today: 2010-1988=22 Between Today and December: 2009-1988=21 Therefore, the person can be either 21 or 22 years old if they were born in the year 1988.
Georgy Malenkov was born on January 8, 1902 and died on January 14, 1988. Georgy Malenkov would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 113 years old today.
Depends on what date the question is answered!
To determine your age in 2011 if you were born in 1988, you would subtract 1988 from 2011. This calculation results in 23 years. Therefore, you would be 23 years old in 2011 if you were born in 1988.
If you were born in 1988 and it is currently 2022, you would be 34 years old.
Ashton Eaton is 29 years old. He was born on January 21, 1988.
Nick Palatas is 29 years old. He was born on January 22, 1988.