If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
40yrs old.
As of July 2011, you would be 25.
2nd December, 1972 is II. XII. MCMLXXII.
You would currently be 16... until you reach your next birthday on August 2nd.
15 Years 6 Months
Britney Spears was born December 2, 1981.
me and britney spears
I was born
Britney Spears
Voldemort dies on May the 2nd 1998. (Born December the 31st 1926)
December 2nd 1991
27 july 1993
2nd December 1981
December 2nd, 1981 (age 30)Britney Jean Spears was born on December 2nd, 1981. Currently as of December 2, 2011, she is 30 years of age.
If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
She was born on the 2nd December 1967.