

Best Answer

In 2013 . . .

-- You turn 9 Earth years old on 19 May.

-- You turn 36 Mercury years old on 20 January.

-- You turn 37 Mercury years old on 18 April.

-- You turn 38 Mercury years old on 15 July.

-- You turn 39 Mercury years old on 11 October

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Q: How old would you be if mercury took 88days to orbit the sun and i was born on 19.5.04?
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Does mercury travel faster in its orbit than neptune Why?

yes because with out its orbit it would be as slow as a snail

What planet orbits around the sun the fastest?

The planet that is closest to the sun will orbit the fastest because its orbit is much smaller than the others. Mercury would be the correct answer. mercury because the first one has less distance to travel

Mercury's Length of rotation?

Mercury's length of rotation, or the time it takes for the planet to complete one full rotation on its axis, is about 59 Earth days. This is longer than its orbital period around the Sun, which is about 88 Earth days.

Did the planet Mercury have a moon?

It may have captured or formed moons in the distant past, but none remain. The closeness of Mercury's orbit to the Sun would likely prevent moons from maintaining a stable orbit.

If your are 11 why would you be 46 on Mercury?

Mercury takes less time to orbit the sun than Earth does, so its year is shorter.

How many earth days do mercury moves around the sun?

Mercury to orbit around the Sun; a typical year on Mercury would take 88 Earth days. Because of Mercury's ever changing distance from the sun and its 3:2 spin-orbit resonance the temperature on Mercury's surface is complex and varied.

Does it take mercury 10 hours to orbit around the sun?

It takes Mercury considerably more time than that to complete an orbit (if Mercury were moving that fast, it would be orbiting around the sun significantly more rapidly than the sun itself spins).Mercury's "year" is approximately 88 Earth days long.

Which planet would orbit around the sun the fastest?

The closer to the primary, the faster the orbit. Mercury is closest, and orbits the Sun in 88 days.

Could Mercury have had a moon?

Mercury does not currently have a moon. If one existed in the past, the massive gravity of the Sun would likely have pulled it out of orbit.

How long would it take mercury to orbit the sun in earth years?

it would take 88 earth days to orbit the sun so it is 1/4 earth years.

Where would the rock line be in our solar system?

A bit inside the orbit of Mercury, at about 0.3 AU.

What would happen to Mercury if it slowed down?

the orbit would take a lot more time for mercury to complete and if it were to completly stop every unattached thing to the planet would fly off