If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
As of July 2011, you would be 25.
They are dates that come straight after one another, like the 1st of January, the 2nd of January, the 3rd of January etc.
If you think about the regular calender (roman?) It goes, January, Febuary etc. Febuary is the second month. The second day is the 2nd of the month, so the date would be 2nd of febuary
You would currently be 16... until you reach your next birthday on August 2nd.
British radio personality Bam Bam (real name Peter Jarod) was born on January 2, 1970. Jarod currently lives in north London.
You would be 42 !
I was
Born 1992 13. April, died 2009 2nd January.
January 2nd
January 2nd.
Newton was considered the father of physics. He was born on 2nd of January.
She was born on the 2nd December 1967.
The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.The 1st of January in a normal year and the 2nd of January in a leap year.
I THINK Alonso De Pindea was born on January 2nd 1494.
Zayn Malik, born 12 January 1993