Today, the 23rd of February 2013, a person born in May 1969 would be 43. They will be 44 on their birthday in May 2013.
as of February 2010 youre 15 years old.
41 years old
you would be 45 or 46 depending on your birthday
If you were born on February 8, 1967 you would have turned 43 in 2010.
Today, the 23rd of February 2013, a person born in May 1969 would be 43. They will be 44 on their birthday in May 2013.
Tim Sherwood was born on February 6, 1969.
If someone was born in 1969 they would be 41 years old in 2010. 2010 - 1969 = 41
Karl Jaspers was born on February 23, 1883 and died on February 26, 1969. Karl Jaspers would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 132 years old today.
Ellen Pompeo was born on November 10, 1969
You would be 40 years old.
Joseph R. "Beau" Biden, III - born February 3, 1969, is 39 years old. Robert Hunter Biden - born February 4, 1970, is 38 years old. Ashley Biden - born June 8, 1981, is 27 years old. Joseph R. "Beau" Biden, III - born February 3, 1969, is 39 years old. Hunter Biden - born February 4, 1970, is 38 years old. Ashley Biden - born June 8, 1981, is 27 years old
as of February 2010 youre 15 years old.
If you were born in 1969, then your age would depend on the current year. Subtract 1969 from the current year to determine your age.
today (2012) you would be 43 years old
41 years old