You would celebrate your 77th birthday in 2012.
On your birthday in 2010, you would turn 75.
You would be eight years old, and you would turn nine in December
If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.
If you were born in December 1968, then you turn 43 on your birthday in December 2011.
India actor Dharmendra Deol is 82 years old (born Dharam Singh Deol, December 8, 1935).
Martin O'Meara was born on December 31, 1882 and died on December 20, 1935. Martin O'Meara would have been 52 years old at the time of death or 132 years old today.
If you were born in December 1971, you would be 49 years old in December 2020.
He would be 74 years old. He was born 1935.
Dharmendra was born on December 8, 1935, so as of 2021, he is 86 years old.
If you were born on The 21st of December on 1989, you would be 20 years old 19 years old, you would only be 20 on the 21st of December.
You would celebrate your 77th birthday in 2012.
On your birthday in 2010, you would turn 75.
Abdul 'Duke' Fakir was born on December 26, 1935.
You would be eight years old, and you would turn nine in December
If you were born in December 1976, you would be 45 years old as of December 2021.
If you were born December 9, 1982 you will currently be 27 year old.