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Q: How old would you be if you were born in 1933 and it was 1998 today?
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You were born in January 26 1933 how old are you?

Today is 22/1/09 so you would be 75

How old is Shari Lewis?

Shari Lewis was born on January 17, 1933 and died on August 2, 1998. Shari Lewis would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.

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Rommie Loudd was born on June 8, 1933 and died on May 9, 1998. Rommie Loudd would have been 64 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.

How old is Jackie Blanchflower?

Jackie Blanchflower was born on March 7, 1933 and died on September 2, 1998. Jackie Blanchflower would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 82 years old today.

How old is Hannibal lector?

The character of Hannibal was born in Lithuania in the year 1933. He would be 78 years old if he were alive today.

What is your age if born in 1998?

It depends on what month you were born. According to today (April 28, 2012), you would be 14 years old.

How old would you be if yo were born in 1998?

As of today, you would be either 13 or 14, depending upon the exact date of your birth.

When did comedian Flip Wilson die?

Flip Wilson died on November 25, 1998 at the age of 64.

How old would you be if June 30 was your birthday and you were born in 1998?

As today is June 30th 2011, you would be 13 years old and today is your 13th birthday and you are now a teenager!!, Happy Birthday!.

How old would someone be if they were born on 1933?


What year would you be born if you were 83?

If you had your birthday, 1934, if not, 1933.

How many days old would you be if you were born on 11-10-1998?

4,442 days old including today (19/11/2010)