You would be 63 years old. Assuming that your Birthday for this year (2008) has already passed. If it is later in the year then you would be 62. Since it is now 2009 you would be 64.
This person would be 68 years old. Subtract 1945 from 2013.
A person who was born on March 22, 1945 would now, on July 12, 2012, be 67 years old.
In 2012 you would be 66 or 67.
65 this year
Today, you would be 66 years old (April 21, 2012).
How old would you be today if you were born on september 7 1945
If you were born on April 30, 1945, and it is currently 2022, you would be 77 years old.
This person would be 68 years old. Subtract 1945 from 2013.
A person who was born on March 22, 1945 would now, on July 12, 2012, be 67 years old.
A person born in 1945 would today - depending on the date of his birthday - be 68 or 69 years old.
In 2012 you would be 66 or 67.
65 this year
A person born in 1945 turned 67 in 2012.
You would be one thousand, nine hundred and Sixty Four years old if you were born in the year 45 a.d. You would be 64 if born in 1945.
You would turn 67 on your birthday in 2012.
In my case, as I was born in 1945, I would have been 58 years old in 2003. Method: 2003 − 1945 = 58
64 years old.