As of 7th January 2012, depending on what the exact date in January 1972 they were born, they would be either 39 or 40. If their birthday is between 1st and 6th January, they would be 39. Between 7th and 31st January, they would be 40.
You would be thirty eight if you were born in January of 1972.
Answer: 40 years oldAge today:= Year today - Year born= 2012 - 1972= 40
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
You would be forty one years old.
If you were born January 14, 1998 you would be 12 years old.
You would be thirty eight if you were born in January of 1972.
He was born January 26, 1972.
Lupillo Rivera was born on January 30, 1972.
Answer: 40 years oldAge today:= Year today - Year born= 2012 - 1972= 40
if u were born in 1972 u would be 37
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
41 Years old born January 26, 1972
R-Truth was born January 19, 1972 he is 37 years old.
Richard Courant was born on January 8, 1888 and died on January 27, 1972. Richard Courant would have been 84 years old at the time of death or 127 years old today.
You would be forty one years old.
In 2017, on the 7th of January you were 45 years and you will be 46 on the 7th of January in 2018.
You would be 39.