You would be 30 years old.
If you were born June 1, 1980 you will turn 30 in 2010.
you would be 34 years old it is 4 years to 1980 then 30 years to 2010 so that is how old you would be
On your birthday in 2010 (and afterwards), you will be 30. Up until your birthday in 2010, you are 29.
If you are born in 1979 you would be 31 in 2010 if you were born in 1980 you would be 30 in 2010 i kno bcuz my mom is 36 an born in 1974 count the year between then subtact from bigger number an there ur anser. THANKX BYE
You would be 30 years old.
30 years old.
If you were born June 1, 1980 you will turn 30 in 2010.
you would be 34 years old it is 4 years to 1980 then 30 years to 2010 so that is how old you would be
Harry Potter was born in 1980, this means he would have been 30 years old in 2010.
On your birthday in 2010 (and afterwards), you will be 30. Up until your birthday in 2010, you are 29.
If you are born in 1979 you would be 31 in 2010 if you were born in 1980 you would be 30 in 2010 i kno bcuz my mom is 36 an born in 1974 count the year between then subtact from bigger number an there ur anser. THANKX BYE
2013 − 1980 = 33 years old.
If you were born in September 1980 you would currently be 29; but in September you will be 30.
you would be 31
30. she was born Dec, 3, 1980
Calculated from 2010, the year of birth was 1980. (2010 minus 30 = 1980).