it depends what month your birthday is in but on your birthday in 2035 you will be 36
If you were born in 1999, you would have turned 10 in 2009.
You would be 10 years old.
You would be 20 years old
2016 − 1999 = 17 years old.
If you were born in 1999, you would have turned 10 in 2009.
you would be 10!
You would be 10 years old.
You would be 20 years old
If you were 22 years old you would be born in 1999
Fredrik Fors was born in 1973.
11 years old
Born November 1999 they would be 10, until November 2010 which they would turn 11.
Being June 2011 you would be turning 12 this year if you were born in September 1999