If you were born in 1843 and your birthday was on or before 4 January (today) then you would be 167. If your birthday is after 4 January then you would be 166. If your question asks for how old you would be if you were 20 in 1843, then add 20 to the figures shown above. That is you would be 187 or 186 depending on your birthday.
If you were born today, in 1974, you would be, 36.
68 (or 67 if the person did not reach their birthday anniversary in 1911).
If you were born before today in 1992 you would be 20, if you were born after today you would be 19.
The person would be 34 years old today.
If you were born in 1843 and your birthday was on or before 4 January (today) then you would be 167. If your birthday is after 4 January then you would be 166. If your question asks for how old you would be if you were 20 in 1843, then add 20 to the figures shown above. That is you would be 187 or 186 depending on your birthday.
Frederick Abberline was born on January 8, 1843 and died on December 10, 1929. This would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 167 years old today.
Frank James was born on January 10, 1843 and died on February 18, 1915. This would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 167 years old today.
Samuel Morey was born on October 23, 1762 and died on April 17, 1843. Samuel Morey would have been 80 years old at the time of death or 252 years old today.
Friedrich Hölderlin was born on March 20, 1770 and died on June 6, 1843. Friedrich Hölderlin would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 245 years old today.
Robert Southey was born on August 12, 1774 and died on March 21, 1843. Robert Southey would have been 68 years old at the time of death or 240 years old today.
Guadalupe Victoria was born on September 29, 1786 and died on March 21, 1843. Guadalupe Victoria would have been 56 years old at the time of death or 228 years old today.
Samuel Hahnemann was born on April 10, 1755 and died on July 2, 1843. Samuel Hahnemann would have been 88 years old at the time of death or 260 years old today.
Henry James was born on April 15, 1843 and died on February 28, 1916. Henry James would have been 72 years old at the time of death or 172 years old today.
William Southam was born on August 23, 1843 and died on February 27, 1932. William Southam would have been 88 years old at the time of death or 171 years old today.
Thomas Bracken was born on December 21, 1843 and died on February 16, 1898. Thomas Bracken would have been 54 years old at the time of death or 171 years old today.
Richard Conner was born on December 23, 1843 and died on November 4, 1924. Richard Conner would have been 80 years old at the time of death or 171 years old today.