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Q: How ong would it take if you were riding your bike for 5 miles at the speed of 15 mph?
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If you are riding a bike for 6 miles then how long would a trip take at a normal speed?

24 minutes

If you are riding a bike for about 8.7 miles then how long would a trip take at a normal speed?

about 2 hours

How long to ride 7 miles on stationary bike?

Talking about riding speeds and riding distances on a stationary bike is rather pointless because the bike isn't going anywhere, at any speed. If you're riding for exercise, count the time instead.

How many calories are burned from bike riding 6.5 miles?

It depends on the speed gone, the kind of bike ridden, and the weight of the person riding. However, on average, approximately 36 calories per mile are burned. Therefore, about 560 calories would be burned.

What is the speed when riding A bike 26 miles in 52 minutes?

26/52 = 1/2 mile per minute or 30 miles per hour

How long will it take you to bike 225 miles at a speed of 15 mph?

It would take 15 hours to bike 225 miles at a speed of 15 mph.

What is the average of gas you save by riding a bike?

Take the distince you are riding your bike, divide it by the miles per gallion that your car gets. This will give you the number of gallons of gas you save. For Example if you are riding 30 miles and would have driven the car that gets 20 miles per gallon, then 30 divided by 20 equals 1.5. So you would be saving 1.5 gallons of gas.

How long would it take to travel 130 miles on a bike?

That depends on your speed.

How many miles bike riding equal how many miles walked?

1 mile bike riding = 1 mile walked.Both are equivalent to 5,280 feet, 1,760 yards, or 1,609.344 meters.

If Tanya rides her bike at a speed of 15 mi h how far will she ride in 2 hours?

It is important to know how to calculate the speeds of objects. If a person is riding their bike at 15 miles per hours, they will travel 30 miles in 2 hours.

At what speed is riding a bike for 0.0462 seconds for 33 feet?

Speed = (distance) / (time) = 33/0.0462 = 714.29 feet per second = 487 miles per hour (rounded)Great biking !

How many lbs do you lose when riding a bike 10 miles?

about 3 pounds