

How organisms divided?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: How organisms divided?
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Organisms that are divided into classes are called what?

Organisms that are divided into classes are called classifying organisms or classified organisms.

What is a family of organisms divided into?

A family of organisms is divided into genera, which are further divided into species. This hierarchical classification system helps organize and group organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Each genus of organisms is divided into classes.?

no they can't

What is uni cellular organisms?

Unicellular organisms are organisms that have one cell. They are divided into two quite different types, from different classification kingdoms

Are Each genus of organisms is divided into classes?

no they can't

Is each phylum of organisms divided into orders?

Yes, each phylum of organisms is typically divided into orders. Orders are hierarchical groupings of organisms within a phylum that share common characteristics and are further classified based on similarities in anatomy, behavior, or genetic makeup.

Aristotle divided organisms into what two main categories?

animal and vegetable

What is the word to this definition 'the way in which organisms are divided'?

The word to the definition of "the way in which organisms are divided" is classified. Classified means to divide any things such as animals. You could classify animals by their size, color, skin texture, etc.

Is each kingdom of organisms is divided into several classes?

kingdoms are divided into phylums, and each phylum is divided into classes. some phyla only have one class though, such as nematoda.

Which kingdom of organisms will be likely be divided into several kingdoms soon because of their diversity?


What is the the three groups that ocean organisms are divided into?

Cetacea, phylum Arthropoda, phylum Cnidaria

Which kingdom of organisms will likely be divided in to several kingdoms soon because of diversity?
