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Do you mean the quadratic formula? Not much; this would be more likely to be used by a scientist or engineer.

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Q: How quadratic function applied to your daily living?
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How does the quadratic function related to your daily life?

The quadratic equation has many application related to resolving and modelling daily life problems. two examples are in archery and rifle sports. The trajectory of the projectile can follow a ballistic arc. The arc itself can be explained and graphically illustrated by the quadratic equation.

What is the use of quadratic formula if it is not used into real life?

The question is based on the false assumption that the quadratic formula is not used in daily life. Wrong, it IS!

How do quadratic equations help us in your daily life?

Quadratic equations doesn't help you in life specifically. It just combines a bunch of different math properties. It helps to focus your brain, gain concentration and intellect.

What does independent with ADL?

Independent with activities of daily living.

Quadratic function in daily life?

Why Do We Study Quadratic Equation?In maths class, we are hammered with expressions after expressions of quadratic equations. We are taught how to solve for its roots. We are taught all the necessary methods or mathematical techniques to handle quadratic equations. But after all these, what is the purpose?This is the question many students of maths studies ask.Do we need this "quadratic" knowledge in working life?The communication dish is parabolic in shape. Parabolic is the equivalent to quadratic mathematically. Engineers need to understand quadratic equation to design this beautiful profile.the pan is a wok that is designed using quadratic expression. With this, food can be fried to our liking!Without quadratic equation, who knows how a wok would look like.eye-glass lens are constructed with curves matching that of the quadratic equation.Light is thus controlled to give good image to our eyes.Quadratic equations to the rescue, right?Other examplesare:1) Distance travelled given by the quadratic equation s = ut + (1/2) a t22) Electrical characteristics of a MOSFET (Transistor device)i = k [(Vg - Vt)VD - (1/2)Vd2]So now do you still wonder why you study quadratic equations?with out math these things wouldn't have existed then their would be no dish that will connect us to channels all over the world or like food how can we eat without a pan or even lenses, we all study math for a purpose and it's not just to pass an exam, it's to know more knowledge about whats around us

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How does the quadratic function related to your daily life?

The quadratic equation has many application related to resolving and modelling daily life problems. two examples are in archery and rifle sports. The trajectory of the projectile can follow a ballistic arc. The arc itself can be explained and graphically illustrated by the quadratic equation.

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St. Louis Arch is an example of a quadratic graph. Umm... many arches are actually *catenaries*, visually indistinguishable from a parabola - this answer should be checked for accuracy.

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The question is based on the false assumption that the quadratic formula is not used in daily life. Wrong, it IS!

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How do quadratic equations help us in your daily life?

Quadratic equations doesn't help you in life specifically. It just combines a bunch of different math properties. It helps to focus your brain, gain concentration and intellect.

Give some examples where Quadratic equations is used in daily life?

Quadratic equations can be used in solving problems where the formula is given, falling object problems and problems involving geometric shapes.All types of engineering professions use the quadratic formula since it applies to ordinary differential equations.

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