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Oh, statistics is like a happy little tree with quality control. You see, quality control in statistics involves checking and monitoring data to ensure it's accurate and reliable, just like adding the perfect touch of color to a painting. By using various techniques such as sampling, hypothesis testing, and data analysis, statisticians can ensure that the information gathered is of the highest quality, creating a beautiful and trustworthy picture of the world around us.

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11y ago

Statistics involves numbers and the source of the numbers. The analysis of the collected numbers are not representative of the true goal of determination unless there is a quality control feature in collecting the numbers/statistics.

For example, a person running for an officially elected position in government may wish to know the chances of a successful campaign based on a survey of the most salient issues.

This can be accomplished through a poll of the people in the electoral district the person wishes to represent. The mass media informs the candidate that consumer prices are important to the people he or she wants to represent. Therefore a good place to find "quality" opinions would be shopping malls. The candidate therefore targets these places to obtain consumer opinions rather than simply knocking on doors of people in the electoral district. Both places will yield results, however quality results are best found among active shoppers in malls.

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