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They should be arranged so that they point in a direction that is 120 degrees away from the other two so that they are all 120 degrees from each other.

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Q: How should three vectors of equal magnitudes be arranged so that they are in equilibrium?
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How should two vectors lie so that their resultant is zero?

In order for two vectors to add up to zero:-- their directions must be exactly opposite-- their magnitudes must be exactly equal

What should be the angle between the two vectors of magnitudes 3.20and 5.70 units so that their resultant has a magnitudeof 10 units?

The maximum value that the combination of two vectors can have is sum of their magnitudes which in this case is 8.9. This maximum value is less than the needed 10, therefore no angle between them will produce the necessary resultant.

What should be the angle between two vectors of magnitudes 8 and 8 units so that their resultant has a magnitude of 20 units?

It is not possible. The maximum magnitude is obtained when the vectors are aligned and in this case the resultant has a magnitude which is the sum of the individual vectors. In the given example, the maximum possible magnitude for the resultant is 16 units. In general |a+b| <= |a| + |b| where a, b are vectors and |a| is the magnitude of a

Can three vectors of equal magnitudes be added to give a vector of same magnitude and how?

Only if the magnitude of all three vectors equals 0.Suppose three vectors (xi), (xj), (xz) are added. If the above statement is true then adding these three vectors should give a magnitude of x(x2 + x2 + x2)1/2 = xSquaring both sidesx2 + x2 + x2 = x22x2=0The above expression is only solvable for x = 0Hence the answer to the above equation is no, unless both vectors are the zero vector.

What should be the angle for the resultant of two vectors to be maximum?

that's what she said

Related questions

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant. if not can three vectors be so combined?

No, it is not possible to combine two vectors of different magnitudes to give a zero resultant. However, it is possible to combine three or more vectors of different magnitudes and directions to give a zero resultant if they form a closed polygon or if they are in equilibrium.

How should two vectors lie so that their resultant is zero?

In order for two vectors to add up to zero:-- their directions must be exactly opposite-- their magnitudes must be exactly equal

What should be the angle between the two vectors of magnitudes 3.20and 5.70 units so that their resultant has a magnitudeof 10 units?

The maximum value that the combination of two vectors can have is sum of their magnitudes which in this case is 8.9. This maximum value is less than the needed 10, therefore no angle between them will produce the necessary resultant.

What should be the angle between two vectors of magnitudes 8 and 8 units so that their resultant has a magnitude of 20 units?

It is not possible. The maximum magnitude is obtained when the vectors are aligned and in this case the resultant has a magnitude which is the sum of the individual vectors. In the given example, the maximum possible magnitude for the resultant is 16 units. In general |a+b| <= |a| + |b| where a, b are vectors and |a| is the magnitude of a

Is it possible to combine 2 equal vectors to give a zero resultant?

With equal angles between them - which in this case results in 360° / 3 = 120° separation between the angles.

Can three vectors of equal magnitudes be added to give a vector of same magnitude and how?

Only if the magnitude of all three vectors equals 0.Suppose three vectors (xi), (xj), (xz) are added. If the above statement is true then adding these three vectors should give a magnitude of x(x2 + x2 + x2)1/2 = xSquaring both sidesx2 + x2 + x2 = x22x2=0The above expression is only solvable for x = 0Hence the answer to the above equation is no, unless both vectors are the zero vector.

How many equal vectors should be added to get a null vector?

To get a null vector, you need to add at least two equal vectors together. Adding any number of equal vectors will always result in a vector that is parallel to the original vector, but to get a null vector the magnitudes of two equal vectors must cancel each other out.

Should marriages be arranged?

Marriages should be arranged if the two people involved want them to be.

Should there be an arranged marriage?

No there should not be arranged marriages. People should have choices in whom they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

What should be the angle for the resultant of two vectors to be maximum?

that's what she said

What should be the angle between 2 vectors a?

The angle between two vectors a and b can be found using the dot product formula: a ยท b = |a| |b| cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the two vectors. Rearranging the formula, we can solve for theta: theta = arccos((a ยท b) / (|a| |b|)).

When finding the resultant of two vectors at right triangles you should use what?

Like with all other right triangles, use the Pythagorean Theorem. If you have 2 vectors that form a right triangle, the resultant should be the hypotenuse. So you just need to square both of the vectors, add them together, then take the square root. a2+b2=c2