You have to get common denominators and then subtract the biggest numerator (top number) by the smallest, you may have to cnacel the fraction down to get the smallest possible fraction
Because you can't add or subtract fractions that have different denominators. Making them like fractions, by multiplying so the denominators are the same, you can add and/or subtract them.
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
he fact that they are improper is irrelevant. Re-scale the fractions so that they have the same denominator and thenadd or subtract as required.
multiply the fractions until they have common denominators and then subtract them
Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.
Because you can't add or subtract fractions that have different denominators. Making them like fractions, by multiplying so the denominators are the same, you can add and/or subtract them.
it stay the same when you subtract fractions and when you add fractions.
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
he fact that they are improper is irrelevant. Re-scale the fractions so that they have the same denominator and thenadd or subtract as required.
multiply the fractions until they have common denominators and then subtract them
Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.Subtracting fractions is similar to adding fractions. If the fractions have the same denominator, you subtract the numerators. If the fractions have different denominators, you have to convert to a common denominator first.
You need a common denominator in order to add or subtract fractions.
You don't
subtracting fractions
It means you have to subtract fractions.
So its easier to add subtract or most commonly multiply
You first have to convert the fractions so that the denominators are the same.