You just wrote it in numbers.. but. 31,4207 is how you write it in numbers
what number system is used to write French numbers
Decimals are numbers.
If you are talking numerically, which is in numbers, the answer is 4.05 However, to write it out, you can write four point zero five
The Sumerians used the reed stylus to write. Unlike nowadays we use pen or pencils.
reed pens
they learned how to write in cuniform
yes the egyptians used hieroglyphics but im not sure about the sumerians.
there are lots of people. But, only sumerians are able to write.
well the Sumerians (whoever they are) never existed. Their gods are more real. But to they did send letters.....NOT
It was the Sumerians.
The Sumerians used the reed stylus to write. Unlike nowadays we use pen or pencils.
As with any civilization there was a requirement for record keeping.