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Q: How tall a person would be if his leg length were 37cm?
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Predict how talla person would be if his or her leg length was 37cm How tall do you predict this person would be if the individual had a leg of 48 cm?

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Ross is 94cm tall.Dee is 37cm tall how tall is Dee in meters and centimeters?

Dee, who I am assuming is either a large llilyputian (From Gulliver's Travels), a small midget, or a baby, is very short. Dee is only 37cm tall, which is equal to 0.37 meters. That equals only 14.5669291 inches. Wow.

What is the size of the smallest vertical plane mirror in which a 6 ft tall person standing erect can see her length image?

The size of the mirror needs to be at least half the height of the person standing in front of it in order for the person to see their full length image. Therefore, a 3 ft tall vertical plane mirror would be the smallest size in which a 6 ft tall person can see their full length image.

Would this machine work well for a person who is only 5' tall?

This machine is approximately 48 inches long, which will make it suitable for a person who is only 5'tall, because only the length of the lower body is applicable.

What is the formula used in geometry for a person 122 cm tall casts a 37cm shadow at the same time a tree casts a 148cm shadow How tall is the tree?

t/148 = 122/37 , where t is the height of the tree.Cross multiplying gives 37 x t = 148 x 122ie 37t = 18056 so the tree is 488 cm tall ie 4.88 metres

Can you tell how tall a person is by the length of their ulna or radious?

No. The two are correlated but the correlation is not sufficiently strong.

A tall man of height 6 feet want to see his full image Then required minimum length of mirror will be?

The minimum length of the mirror needed for the tall man to see his full image would be 6 feet. This is because the mirror needs to be at least the same height as the person in order to capture their full image.

how many meters are in the height of a person?

It would, obviously, be dependent upon how tall the person is, now would it not?

How tall in meters is someone who 6ft 5 inches?

A person who is 6 feet 5 inches tall is approximately 1.96 meters tall.

What is the opposite of corto?

It matters on how you use it. If your talking about height it would be alto (tall). If your talking about length it would be largo (long).

If Barbie were life-size she would stand seven feet two inches tall and have a neck twice the length of a normal human's?

If Barbie were life-size she would stand seven feet two inches tall and have a neck twice the length of a normal human's. This is true.

Do short people mess or pick a fight with tall people?

Some short people may pick a fight with a tall person, but others would not. It would depend greatly on the short person.