Inches are a measurement of distance and are part of a group known as scaler quantities (i.e. those that have magnitude only). However percentages are a form of ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.In order to convert inches into a percentage, you need a minimum of two values or measurements to compare to each other (to form the ratio).For example if one man (Dave) is 72 inches tall and another man (John) is 78 inches tall then what percentage of John's height is Dave?To find the answer we divide Dave's height by John's and then multiply by 100.(72/78) x 100 = 92.3 %So Dave's height is 92.3 % of John's height.
Let Dave's age now be x and Doris' age now be 3x But in 4 years time Dave will be x+4 and Doris will be 3x+4 which is twice Dave's age So: 3x+4 = 2(x+4) => 3x+4 = 2x+8 => x = 4 Therefore: Dave is now 4 years of age and Doris is now 12 years of age
His acceleration is minus fifty m/s/s, or ~ 5.5g.Highly survivable if he is wearing his seat belt.
Dave Speminer aka Damien Vesper
If you were not called Dave your height would be 175.26 cm. However, since you are called Dave ... ... ... No, I cannot continue! It is too horrible to mention! Specially since you do not know the difference betwen your and you're. Your means belonging to you and "belonging to you 5 ft 9 inches" makes no sense. You're is the short form for "you are" and that does make sense.
You would still be 5' 9" no matter what your name was.
22 inches...
Because the guy who owns the channel gold and uktv was called dave and after he died his son took over and decided to rename the channel Dave
Dave Bartram does have a daughter that is named Holly. Dave is part of the group called Showaddywaddy in the United Kingdom.
this isn't a question and batista is called Dave
Dave Birdsall is 5 feet 9 inches tall. He weighs 126 pounds.
Dave Pelzer was stabbed by his mother in the "Pelzer Family" chapter of the book "A Child Called 'It'".
Dave Zearfoss is 5 feet 9 inches tall. He weighs 174 pounds. He throws right.
Dave Beadle is 6 feet 2 inches tall. He weighs 200 pounds. He bats left.
Dave McKeough is 5 feet 7 inches tall. He weighs 158 pounds. He bats right.
Dave Pickett is 5 feet 7 inches tall. He weighs 170 pounds. He throws right.