Allot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
you have to be 58" feet tall to go on the go-kartsat boomers.
a compound word beginning with cart is any word that begins with cart and has another word in it.
it goes faster i assume.
you have to be 5 foot
Kart ville or a olf course me on this. or a go cart.
yes it is illegal but i am redneck so i will do it
Old enough to reach the peddles.
Will Cart is 6' 1".
a go cart or a clown car
No way you will get a ticket or may be go to jail
Why wouldn't It be legal? Yes
The Crazy Cart is a new product from Razor that can drive forward, reverse, sideways, and diagonally. There are 2 modes (go-cart and crazy cart) for different driving styles. The cart can reach 12 mph and allows for up to 40 minutes of continuous use. The Crazy Cart is recommended for ages 9 and up.
Maybe 15 or 16 to drive a golf cart in Florida.