I'm 5'2 (5 feet and 2 inches) tall. Leonardo DiCaprio is 6'1 (6 feet and 1 inch) tall. He's 11 inches taller than me. Almost 1 foot taller than me.
Leonardo of Pisa.
You can never really predict how tall the kid is going to be. My grandparents were both really tall and my dad turned out quiet tall but my auntie is a midget compared to him so you never really know. but 5'11 and 6'6, I would say the kid is going to be very tall!
He was also known as Leonardo of Pisa, so I'd say Pisa.
He was born in c. 1170. Here are some details about him.Leonardo of Pisa also known as Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci, or, most commonly, simply Fibonacci, was an Italianmathematician, considered by some "the most talented mathematician of the Middle Ages".
Yes. Leonardo DiCaprio is 6 feet or 6'1 tall.
Leonardo DiCaprio's birth name is Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio.
Because he was tall and skinny.
At least 5"5' tall.
yes Leonardo DiCaprio is married
Leonardo DiCaprio lives in Los Angeles.
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974.
Leonardo DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974
Leonardo DiCaprio is in 27 films.
Yes Leonardo DiCaprio is a real actor.
In my opinion, Leonardo DiCaprio.