

How tall is a single monkey?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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12y ago

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Interesting question. The only way to know is to measure its height. You must have the critter handy in order to be so interested in his/her particular height, right? Not all monkeys are exactly the same.

The question is interesting because what you may be forced to do is to use the very best estimate for the height of a monkey, which would be the best calculated average height of monkeys of the type, age, gender and location of the critter you have in mind. The average is a measure of central tendency, and if correct, you may ironically have trouble finding a monkey of exactlythat height. But the average will still be your best estimate of the height of a monkey, over the long term.

You might get a little more sophisticated if you know something about the distribution of the height of the monkeys you are interested in. You could say something about the typical range of height, and how likely it is for a specific monkey to be whatever height it is.

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