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17 million one-dollar bills would stack to about 6,091.67 feet high.

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Q: How tall is a stack of one dollar bills worth 17 million?
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How much is a 6 foot tall stack of 20 dollar bills worth?

Approximately $335,520

How much is 300 lbs of one dollar bills worth?

1 million dollars

How much is a Bill Elliott million dollar bill worth?

Not much! Too easy to fake. I have a stack of 100 originals

How many 2 dollar bills are in 1 million?

Oh, dude, you're really making me do math right now? Alright, fine. There are 500,000 two-dollar bills in a million dollars. So, like, if you ever come across a cool mill in two-dollar bills, just know you're holding half a million of those bad boys.

Why is a dollar bill worth one dollar?

Dollar bills are not always worth one dollar, however one dollar bills are worth one dollar for the sake that 1=1, it is a one dollar bill, and can be exchanged for goods and services.

Ton of dollar bills?


How much does a ton 1 dollar bills worth?

1 Ton of dollar bills is $907,184

How much are 2003 two dollar bills worth?

two dollars. A couple of hundred million were printed, so they're not rare.

How much is a three foot stack of 100 dollar bills?

Well, isn't that a lovely thought! A three-foot stack of 100 dollar bills would be worth $100,000. Just imagine all the happy little trees and happy little clouds you could paint with that kind of money. Remember, there are many ways to measure wealth, and the most important treasures are often found in the beauty of the world around us.

What is 2 dollar bills worth?

It is worth two dollars.

What is worth more a million nickels or a mile high stack of nickels?

a million nickels

Who collects 1000000 bills?

The US never printed a one million dollar bill. Any you find are novelties, and aren't worth anything.