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It seems you are talking about radio waves. The wavelength (40 m) multiplied by the frequency (7 million / second) must equal the speed of light (300 million meters/second). It seems that in this example numbers, either the wavelength or the frequency, or both, are not expressed with a great accuracy. For example, if 40 meters is exact, the frequency would be close to 7.5 MHz.

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Q: How the 40 meters wave length is equal to 7 mhz frequency?
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What is the product of the frequency and the wave length of a wave?

Frequency (1/seconds) x Wave Length (meters) = Speed (meters/sec. or m/s)

Relationship between frequency wave length and wave speed?

The wavelength is equal to the speed divided by the frequency.

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The length of each wave is 299,792,458 meters/the frequency of the wave .

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The speed of a wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and its frequency. (If you want to have the speed in meters/second, convert the wavelength to meters first.)

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The wavelength is calculated using the formula: Wavelength = Velocity / Frequency. Substituting the values given, we get Wavelength = 15 / 5.4 = 2.78 meters. Hence, the length of the wave is 2.78 meters.

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Frequency and wavelength of a wave are inversely related: as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is described by the wave equation: speed = frequency x wavelength. In other words, for a given wave speed, if frequency increases, wavelength must decrease to maintain the same speed.

What is the relationship between a wave frequency and its wavelength?

velocity of a wave equals wave frequency times wave length.

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The length of the rope would be half the wavelength of the standing wave, so in this case, the rope would be 5 meters long. This is because the fundamental frequency of the standing wave has one full wavelength, which corresponds to half the length of the rope.

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It is a constant which is equal to the speed.

What is the relationship between length and wave frequency?

In general, the relationship between length and wave frequency is inversely proportional. This means that as the length of a wave increases, its frequency decreases. Conversely, if the length of a wave decreases, its frequency increases.

How fast is a wave moving if its wavelength is 10meters and its frequency is 110Hz?

The speed of a wave is equal to its wavelength times its frequency. Since you are using SI units, the answer will be in meters/second.

How fast is a wave moving if its wave length is 10 meters and its frequency is 110 Hz?

The formula for a wave in this case is: speed = frequency x wavelength. Since Hz = 1/second, the answer will be in meter/second.