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Q: How the angle between 2 mirrors affect the images formed?
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Would Images formed by curved mirrors will look identical to to the images formed by flat mirrors?

No. They will look different.

What do you understand by multiple images?

a number of images that are formed if the object is placed between two mirrors at an angle. This is called multiple images.

When an object is placed between two parallel mirrors the number of images formed will be?


How many images are formed when two plane mirrors tilted an angle 72 degrees?

When two plane mirrors are tilted at an angle of 72 degrees, six images are formed. The first two images are the direct reflections from each mirror, and the remaining four images come from the multiple reflections between the mirrors.

What is the number of images formed by two plane mirrors when the angle between them is fifteen degrees?


How many images are formed when two plane mirrior are arranged parallel?

infinite number of images are formed in both the mirrors if the mirrors are kept parallel

How many images do you think will be formed if an object is kept between two plane mirrors parallel to each other?

If the mirrors are exactly parallel - there will be an infinite number of images, as they will be reflected indefinitely.

How many images will be formed if two mirrors placed at 120 degree angle?

2 images are formed

How many images formed by two plane mirrors placed at 90 degree?

Three images will be formed

How many images formed when two mirrors are at 7 degree?

50 images.

How are images form in mirrors?

images are formed in a mirror by putting something up to it.

How many images are formed when 2 mirors are parellel to each other and an object is placed in between it?

In theory, there should be infinitely many images. In practice, though, imperfections in the mirrors, diffusion in glass and the air gap between the mirrors mean that there are not infinitely many images.