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Q: How the expression to bad news?
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Is a person with a grim expression likely to tell you good news or bad news?

This person is likely to give you bad news

How do you use the word dour in a sentence?

He had a dour expression on his face as he listened to the bad news.

What does the expression 'no niece is good niece' mean?

I think you mean NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS ... unless you actually mean that "no daughter of your sibling is good daughter of your sibling"?? "No news is good news" means that if you don't hear anything bad, then it's a good thing.

When was Bad News - Bad News album - created?

Bad News - Ligeia album - was created in 2007-12.

How do you convey good news and bad news?

I have good news and bad news which do you want to here first.

When did Bad News end?

Bad News ended in 1988.

When was Bad News created?

Bad News was created in 1983.

How do you write bad news in a spanish business letter?

in a business letter you wouldn't use such an expression. You'd start off by saying something like: I regret to inform you...the expression would be something like: "Lamento informarle que... "

What does the saying 'the bearer of bad news' mean?

The saying the bearer of bad news means the person who told you the bad news. It is generally used by people before they tell you the bad news as a way of preparing you for the harsh news ahead.

What is good news and bad news?

the good news is

When was More Bad News ... created?

More Bad News ... was created in 1994.

When did Bad News Baseball happen?

Bad News Baseball happened in 1989.